The State of Europe

On Wednesday 22 February a new series of talks, ‘The State of Europe’, starts at Bureau Europa. Stephan Petermann from OMA/AMO and David Mulder from XML Architecture Research Urbanism both give a presentation on the ways in which they ‘build’ on the ‘State of Europe’. Both agencies have been conducting long-term research into the European…

Debate with 200 young Europeans

Ahead of the 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaty and in the context of growing disaffection toward the European project, EU’s cities and regions have pledged to shoulder their share to achieve greater involvement of the citizens in shaping a new path for the Union. Following a debate on Europe’s future with a delegation of…

Generation Maastricht YO!Fest a success

YO!Fest 2017, Youth Opion Festival, which took place in Maastricht on February 7, was a great success. Over 3,000 young people registered for the festival and debated about their future Europe. Important moment was the visit of the German President Gauck and the Chairman of the European Committee of the Regions, Markku Markkula. Pictures by…

Congratulations Europe!

It is 25 years ago today that the Maastricht Treaty was signed.   7 February: an historic date for Europe. It is the date on which the Maastricht Treaty was signed 25 years ago. This event laid the basis for the present-day Europe. So congratulations are therefore due to all Europeans!   The silver jubilee…

Guided tours as part of the Maastricht Treaty anniversary

On 5 February, the doors of the Provincial Government Buildings were open to the public as part of the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Maastricht Treaty. The guided tour included various locations in the Provincial Government Buildings that played a role in the creation of the Maastricht Treaty, such as the Banqueting Hall…

PechaKucha meets Europe Calling

On Monday 6 February, PechaKucha Maastricht will team up with Europe Calling for a special event to mark the 25th anniversary of the Treaty of Maastricht.   For this reason, 12 inspirational speakers of the evening will connect their presentations to the theme of Europe. They warmly invite you to have a look at their profiles through this link!   Location: De Brandweerkantine, Capucijnenstraat 21, Maastricht…

Documentary Treaty premiered last Thursday

The documentary ‘Het Verdrag van Maastricht, 25 jaar later’ (The Treaty of Maastricht, 25 years later) premiered last Thursday in Maastricht. King’s Commissioner, Theo Bovens, and Mayor of Maastricht, Annemarie Penn-te Strake, were also presented with the first print of the identically-titled book. The documentary and the book were produced by journalists Jo Cortenraedt and…

European Ode an die Freude

On Thursday Februari 2, the philharmonie zuidnederland and the Toneelgroep Maastricht will give a performance with the focus on the 25th anniversary of the Maastricht Treaty. Beethoven’s Symphony No.9 and Schiller’s Ode to Joy, the Anthem of Europe, will be played. Furthermore, The Dutch-Kurdish composer Hawar Tawfiq will bring his first major composition, unificazione (unification).…