Leading politicians, entrepreneurs and researchers added lustre to conference in Maastricht
Exactly twenty-five years after the Maastricht Treaty, the Limburg capital invited prominent Europeans to return to the birthplace of the modern European Union and the euro.
Participants at EU & ME included Jean Claude Juncker (President of the European Commission), Martin Schulz (President of the European Parliament), Jeroen Dijsselbloem (Dutch Minister of Finance and President of the Eurogroup), Herman van Rompuy (Former President of the European Council), George Papaconstantinou (former minister of Finance of Greece) and Gordon Bajnai (former Prime Minister of Hungary). Professors Mathieu Segers, Bruno de Witte, Paul de Grauwe and Maria João Rodrigues represented the academic world. Various signatories to the Treaty were also present.
The event was opened by Theo Bovens, the King’s Commissioner for Limburg, and Annemarie Penn-Te Strake, the Mayor of Maastricht. The conference,featured keynote speeches, panel discussions, appearances by signatories to the Treaty in 1992 and a debate among young people, was chaired by Jacki Davis. EU & ME also featured music and theatre presentations by students from the United World College in Maastricht. The event was held in the MECC exhibition and convention centre.
summaries can be read here: morning programme | afternoon programme

- 09:00 am | Arrival and registration MECC Maastricht
- 10.00 am | Start of Morning Programme
Introduction by moderator Jacki Davis
Welcome speech by the King’s Commissioner, Theo Bovens, and the Mayor of Maastricht, Annemarie Penn-te Strake
Retrospective based on interview with former heads of government and ministers - 10.45 am | Morning Programme
Keynote speech by the President of the European Commission, Jean Claude Juncker
Interactive panel discussion with:
• Paul de Grauwe, Professor in European Political Economy at the London School of Economics
• Gordon Bajnai, former Prime Minister of Hungary
• Mathieu Segers, Professor of Contemporary European History and European Integration, University College Maastricht
- 12.00 am | Lunch
Lunch with Keynote speech by Herman Van Rompuy, President Emeritus of the European Council and President of European Policy Centre - 02.00 pm | Start of afternoon programme
- 02.10 pm | Afternoon programmme
Keynote speech by the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz
Interactive panel discussion with:
• Bruno de Witte, Professor of European Law at Maastricht University
• George Papaconstantinou, former minister of Finance of Greece
• Maria João Rodrigues, Member of the European Parliament, S&D Group Vice-President in charge of Economic and Social Policies
• Janis Emmanouilidis – Director of Studies at the European Policy Centre (EPC) in Brussels. - 03.30 pm | Afternoon programme
Keynote speech by the Dutch Minister of Finance and President of the Eurogroup, Jeroen Dijsselbloem
Conclusion - 04.30 pm | Afternoon programme
Networking drinks in the Provincial Government Buildings on the Meuse - 06.30 pm | End of programme
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