
Contact information

Media with questions concerning ‘Europe Calling! Maastricht Treaty 25th Anniversary’ can contact one of the press officers:

  • Inge Dovermann, administrative & communication adviser for Maastricht Mayor Penn-te Strake
    T +31 (0)43 350 42 00 |  E
  • Vincent van der Stouwe, communication administrative adviser for the Province of Limburg
    T +31 (0)43 389 88 06 | M +31 (0)6 50 21 40 05  |  E


About Europe Calling!

For information about Europe Calling!, its objectives and the Treaty of Maastricht, please visit the page About Europe Calling!

For a brief history of the Maastricht Treaty, please visit the history page.

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We are currently in the midst of a journalistic research, looking back (at the establishing of the Maastricht Treaty 25 years ago: what were the expectations at the time?), looking at Europe today and looking at the future (and what are the expectations nowadyas?). The results are the interviews below. This material is can be used as ‘open source’: it is therefore available for anyone who wants reflect on the Maastricht Treaty and Europe Calling! For free use in media, cultural festivals, theater groups, conferences, exhibitions, education, etc.

Former mayor Philip Houben dies at the age of 76

Born in The Hague, Houben was considered one of the best Maastricht mayors. He held that position during three periods in office from 1985 to 2002. The European Summit of 1991 was an absolute high point for Philip Houben.


Frans Timmermans: Europe has strayed from the key issues

“I think that in recent times, we have strayed slightly from the key issues regarding Europe”, says European Commissioner Frans Timmermans. The first vice-president of the European Commission regrets the current atmosphere in Europe, which is too often characterised by ‘everyone for himself’. That is largely because the debate is no longer objective”, according to the Maastricht born Timmermans.


Video report EU&ME summit

Watch the video report. Exactly twenty-five years after the Maastricht Treaty, the Limburg capital invited prominent Europeans to return to the birthplace of the modern European Union and the euro.


Luc Soete: Financial crisis a poison that seeped into Europe

Luc Soete, leading economist and former rector of Maastricht University: “Financial crisis is a poison that has seeped into Europe.” Professor Luc Soete was born in 1950 in the Brussels borough of Sint-Jans-Molenbeek. He studied economics in Ghent and then worked at the University of Sussex in the south of England, where he obtained his…


Mathieu Segers: Europe is very close, but at the same time very distant

Mathieu Segers, professor of European Integration Europe is very close, but at the same time very distant On 9 December 2016, it will be exactly 25 years since the start of the European Summit in Maastricht, which would lead to the much-discussed Maastricht Treaty. On that day, a range of leading politicians and academics will…


topeconoom Paul de Grauwe

Top economist De Grauwe: Maastricht Treaty nice house without a Roof

On 9 December 2016, it will be precisely 25 years ago that the EU Summit commenced which would lead to the much-discussed Maastricht Treaty. On this day, various top politicians and academics will be participating in a special EU Summit in Limburg’s Provincial Government Buildings. One of them is top economist Paul de Grauwe. Since the very beginning, he has had his doubts about monetary union without the support of political union.
