Agnès Monfret visits Maastricht in the context of Europe Calling

As part of the ‘Europe Calling!’ event, Agnès Monfret, Head of Unit ‘European Cross-Border Cooperation’ at the European Commission (DG REGIO), today paid a working visit to the Maastricht International Centre in Centre Céramique. During a tour of the Centre, Monfret had the opportunity to learn a great deal about the unique collaboration between Grensinfopunt…

Mini-conference devoted to cross-border judicial cooperation

On Monday 24 October, a mini-conference devoted to cross-border judicial cooperation was held in the Provincial Government Buildings. Those attending included Ard van der Steur, Koen Geens and Thomas Kutschaty, the justice ministers of the Netherlands, Belgium and the German federal state of Nordrhein-Westfalen. The mini-conference is part of Europe Calling!, the programme commemorating the…

Opening speech King’s Commissioner EPP Summit

An Europe Calling! opening speech form King’s Commissioner Theo Bovens at the EPP-Summit in Maastricht on Thursday 20 October 2016 Your excellencies, distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen Welcome to this house of the Province of Limburg, the birthplace of the Maastricht Treaty. It was here in this room on the 9th of December nineteen ninety-one…